
1) Spend most of her time trying to keep Cody out of trouble
2) She's wise and sensible, a steadying influence on Cody, and like all cats
3) Graceful, mysterious and perhaps a bit mystical


1) Free spirited puppy who imagines he is bigger and more ferocious than he really is
2) Basically lovably, he has feisty, aggressive nature
3) Loves to chase to others animals around the farm, and Wade is his favorite target

The Worms

The Worms:
1) There's no one worms
2) There a lot's of them, they're have different names and they all look exactly alike
3) Their sole purpose in life seems to be teasing, harassing and aggravating Booker
4) They are clever, crafty and masters of disguise 
5) Booker may get the upper hand now and then, but the worms always has a last laugh


1) Bo is Lanolin's twin brother
2) He is the perfect picture of optimism
3) He sees only the good in everything  and everyone
4) Bo's pretty empty-headed and simple, terminally cheerful, always smiling, a friend to anyone, which really gets on his sister Lanolin's nerves


1) Bo and lanolin made a cameo appearance in the US Acres strip on 07-20-1986
2) Lanolin is Bo's twin sister and a dyed-in-the-wool pessimist
3) She takes guff from no one, especially Roy, and is constantly exasperated by Bo's behavior
4) She can't figure him out
5) Has and acid tongue that can zap you into shock, and a mega-decibel "BAA" that'll put your light out
6)She is merciless


1) Sheldon was Booker's nestmate
2) While Booker couldn't wait to get out of his shell, Sheldon not quite ready yet, and he probably never will be ready
3) Intellectual of group
4) Quiet, reserved and thoughtful
5) Tries to temper Booker's impulsiveness with his thoughtful advice
6) He wishes he were taller and tries everything to look that way


1) Abandoned  while he was still an egg
2) Orson found the unprotected nest and took over, sitting on the nest until Booker hatched
3) He took one look at Orson and cried 'Mom!' and that's what he'll call Orson for the rest of his life
4) Aggressive and confident and is protective of his brother Sheldon and Orson
5) He often leaps before he looks


1) Not a Bully, just irritant
2) He's a brash, loud mouthed fowl with a penchant for hot chocolate, late night-tv and practical joke, which almost always backfire
3) Roy oversleeps almost every morning
4) When he finally does get around to waking the farm population
5) It's with a beat-up bugle he rescued from the trash
6) He's a jerk
7) Still apart of the gang and they all like him
8) Consider himself a role model to Booker and Sheldon, showing them the ropes of chickenhood


1) Wade is Panophobe
2) He's afraid of everything
3) Scared of his own shadow
4) Wade go through life with constant glances over his shoulder to see if it's gaining on him
5) His constant opinion, an inner tube, always wear the same expression is Wade
6) He loves the rest of a US Acres population and doesn't mind that they know about his fears, and they accept and love him anyway


1) Orson is US Acres leading man.
2) He is simply put, the 'straight man' of the strip
3) Tha 'wall' of other character
4) The runt of the little
5) Orson was abandoned on a dusty country road to survive on his own
6) He's a good nature friends
7) Helpful counselor and mediator to his friend and the closest thing they have to an authority figure
8) Orson loves to read and is a 'surrogate mother' to Booker and Sheldon

Herman Post

Herman Post: 
1) Jon Arbuckle's mailman. 
2) He is constantly being tormented by Garfield, and perpetually trying to find a way to deliver the mail safely, but almost never succeeding.

Dr. Liz Wilson

Dr. Liz Wilson: 
1) Garfield's veterinarian  and long-time crush of Jon Arbuckle
2) She occasionally dates him, but these outings always become disasters (often thanks to Garfield tagging along for the ride).


1) Waitress and owner of "Irma's Diner," a diner occasionally patronized by Jon and Garfield. 
2) The food, service, and mental stability of her restaurant is questionable. 
3) For instance, her idea of a "chicken surprise" is her coming up to the table wearing a rubber chicken mask and saying "SURPRISE!" 
4) However, this may be attributed to her operating the diner 24 hours a day with no help (though in other comics, she is shown to speak to other diner employees). 
5) Although her main and most memorable appearences took place earlier in the strip, in 1999 she appeared (updated to match the most recent style of the strip), once again doing wacky things at the diner.


1) Friend of Jon's who lived with him for a while and was the original owner of Odie. 
2) He disappeared from the comic in 1983 and his disappearance was never fully elaborated upon. 
3) His last appearance in the strip was a cameo in the logo panel for the Sunday strip published on June 19, 1988.
4) A webcomic called Melonpool involved this character in one of its storylines, showing why he disappeared from the Garfield strips in the first place. 
5) Of course, since Melonpool is a spoof piece, it has no continuity with Davis' work and is just for kicks with a disclaimer attached. 
6) Recently, Davis was forced to directly address the issue of 'What happened to Lyman?'. 
7) According to Davis, Lyman's original purpose was to be someone who Jon could actually talk to and express other ideas?a role more and more taken over by Garfield himself. 
8) Hence he was removed without explanation. 
9) The closest thing Davis has ever given to explain his absence is "Don't look in Jon's basement"


1) She is a Harley-riding, leather-wearing old lady. 
2) She loves Jon and Garfield, and occasionally makes appearances throughout the series. 
3) The most is revealed about her in Garfield's Christmas special, where it is revealed that her husband has passed away and she talks about her life with him.

Doc Boy

Doc Boy:
1) Doc Boy Jon's only brother who tends to the pigs on the farm, and who is as much a loser as Jon. 
2) Resents being called Doc Boy.
3) He is apparently younger than Jon.

Jon's father

Jon's father:  
1) who tends the family farm.

Jon's Mother

Jon's mother: 
1) who's always cooking up a meal
2) Sending Garfield the most uncomfortable sweaters.


1) Cute kitten who flaunts his cuteness (the cutest kitten in the world, he says), which annoys Garfield immensely, usually resulting in him shipping Nermal to Abu Dhabi. 
2) Often comes in unannounced, much to Garfield's chagrin. 
3) When he first appeared, he was owned by Jon's parents, but that connection was quickly dropped from the strip. 
4) When we see him, it is usually because Jon has to babysit him. 
5) He is not seen on Jon's parents' farm. 
6) Because of his eyelashes and seemingly effeminate personality, fans have often mistaken him as female. 
7) However, in ', Nermal appears as an adult Siamese rather than as a cute kitten.


1) Garfield's huggable teddy bear. 
2) First appearance was October 23, 1978. 
3) The strip shows Garfield searching through Jon Arbuckle's bottom drawer, finding Pooky, and adopting him as his own.


1) Garfield's on-and-off girlfriend. 
2) A thin pink cat who seems to be the one living thing in the world who can successfully crack jokes at Garfield on a regular basis. 
3) She has distinctively big lips and a very thin neck. 
4) Earlier in the series she also had a gap between her teeth; 
5) she also appeared more often than now.

Jon Arbuckle

Jon Arbuckle: 
1) Garfield and Odie's owner.
2) A total nerd  and clumsy individual who is extremely unlucky in the world of dating and coolness. 
3) He is constantly striking out when trying to get dates with women, perhaps due to his ridiculous pick-up lines (said to a woman in the grocery store: "you must be today's special, because you're making me hungry") or loud and flashy outfits. 
4) His biggest crush is Dr. Liz Wilson, Garfield and Odie's vet, who has gone out with him a few times but the dates were usually unsuccessful. 
5) Primary fodder and conversation partner to Garfield and is often the butt of his jokes.
6) Was (possibly still is, due to it never being contradicted) a cartoonist, but this reference has not been seen since the early days of the comic strip. 
7) Whatever his occupation, Jon still manages to make enough money to keep Garfield in lasagna -- no easy feat. 
8) His full name has been revealed as Jonathan Q. Arbuckle in a Christmas strip.


1) Loveable but dopey yellow-furred
2) Brown-eared dog constantly panting with his very large tongue
3) The only character without a "voice"
4) More recently, he was seen actually speaking in one of Garfield's dream sequences). 
5) Often kicked off the table by Garfield or the victim of some practical joke. 
6) Odie's original owner was Lyman, a friend and roommate to Jon Arbuckle. 
7) However, Lyman disappeared in 1983 and Odie became a pet to Jon. 
8) Odie is, to Garfield, a complete slobbering idiot (though it's not the actual case since Odie did manage to take revenge on Garfield occasionally, and Garfield usually cannot notice it). 
9) He is rarely seen without his giant tongue and drooling. 
10) Recently, Odie seems to be walking on two feet more often. 
11) He first appeared on August 8, 1978.


1) Fat orange cat with distinctive black stripes and an attitude. 
2) He hates Mondays (not applicable if it's also his birthday)
3) Loves to eat and sleep (both to amazing amounts)
4) Watch TV, and play jokes on Jon and Odie. 
5) His favorite food is lasagna
6) He loves to snack on canaries ("you can't eat just one canary!"); 
7) However, he hates raisins and spinach. 
8) He refuses to eat mice, and has befriended several. 
9) He also hates spiders. 
10) He is in #8 of his 9 lives.