
1) Spend most of her time trying to keep Cody out of trouble
2) She's wise and sensible, a steadying influence on Cody, and like all cats
3) Graceful, mysterious and perhaps a bit mystical


1) Free spirited puppy who imagines he is bigger and more ferocious than he really is
2) Basically lovably, he has feisty, aggressive nature
3) Loves to chase to others animals around the farm, and Wade is his favorite target

The Worms

The Worms:
1) There's no one worms
2) There a lot's of them, they're have different names and they all look exactly alike
3) Their sole purpose in life seems to be teasing, harassing and aggravating Booker
4) They are clever, crafty and masters of disguise 
5) Booker may get the upper hand now and then, but the worms always has a last laugh


1) Bo is Lanolin's twin brother
2) He is the perfect picture of optimism
3) He sees only the good in everything  and everyone
4) Bo's pretty empty-headed and simple, terminally cheerful, always smiling, a friend to anyone, which really gets on his sister Lanolin's nerves


1) Bo and lanolin made a cameo appearance in the US Acres strip on 07-20-1986
2) Lanolin is Bo's twin sister and a dyed-in-the-wool pessimist
3) She takes guff from no one, especially Roy, and is constantly exasperated by Bo's behavior
4) She can't figure him out
5) Has and acid tongue that can zap you into shock, and a mega-decibel "BAA" that'll put your light out
6)She is merciless